So, the other day, I ran out of pushpins. The reason for this inconvenience was mostly because the plastic pushpins I had, were broken (as you can see in the above photo, this yellow pushpin was the best of the bunch) or just plain MIA.
We don't exactly have the money to just go pick up a pack. Fortunately for us, in amongst all the freebie stuffs I've procured, I had a container of Upholstery tacks (or what they call "nails").
I cannot express just how useful a block of styrofoam can be. (This particular piece, I rescued from other bits of useless packing foam bits and also use it for crochet blocking). I painted the caps of the tacks a pretty and bright red, using ordinary crafting acrylic paint (Plaid Folk Art 414 "Cardinal Red") and let dry, before painting white dots (using the same type of paint).
Then, I finished them off, using what else? Mod Podge Clear Acrylic Sealer.I use push pins for a variety of uses, and now I have some very sturdy "toad stools".
My sister has requested her own set of "lady bug" push pins. The cap designs are limited only by your imagination.
I hope you find this idea useful and fun, enjoy!
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