Yikes! Gee, before they were called "blogs", there weren't so many options. It was much like posting a status update from your phone to Facebook. Now, it would seem like I'm readying a term paper.
All for the sake of sharing some of my goofy craft projects.
I guess you could say this is technically my first blog post. (Although, I've been on Facebook for what seems like an eternity. And I did once have a LiveJournal account waay back in 2004 & 2005.)
As I said above, the purpose for my blog is simply to share my craft projects. I love seeing some of the ideas others have had and some have inspired my own projects before now. Why not return the favor to someone else out there?
I named my blog "Kitt's Craft Room", when in fact, my sister and I currently refer to it as our "crap room" lol! It's in a state of massive disarray. We hope to one day have it in organized and useful. As of this moment, there is a folding buffet table stacked halfway up the wall with miscellaneous.... crap. Everything from beading/jewelry items to crochet yarn to quilting/sewing materials and such to office stuffs (that should be in the office - but could be equally useful in anyone's craft room). Not to mention copious amounts of papers and documents my sister needs to get busy on filing away.
I welcome positive feedback & constructive criticism. I understand not all of my ideas will be everyone's cup of tea; if you don't like something I've shared - please let me know why. However, negativity for the sake of being a jerk is pointless and counter-productive to me or anyone who may have an interest in a post and we can all do without it.
My thanks to all of you in advance for taking the time to check out my projects :)
Referenced sister here. ...I look forward to seeing more from this.