Sunday, August 24, 2014

Freebie Fix-up

Decorative Footrest

We come across the best freebies when neighbors decide to move.
This morning, our neighbor had put a decorative footrest out by the garbage. It apparently was bought only 3 months ago, and between then and this morning, someone had sat on it, ultimately breaking a leg. They had even so nicely included the leg with it, curbside.

As you can see in the forefront of the photo, a missing leg. I removed it, as it was chronically loose and missing one of the two bolts that held it to the cross member. Upon inspection, it became quite obvious someone had attempted to fix the leg, but had no idea what they were doing. Inside the leg (and each of the others) were two holes. In those holes of the "broken" leg, should have been a coupling sleeve; wide, large, wood-grabbing threads on the outside and smaller threads on the inside to receive a bolt. A bolt passes through a washer and then into the cross-member and into the coupling sleeve in the leg.

The broken leg was in no way, shape or form, fixed in such a manner. I found a coupling sleeve inside the cross-member, some sort of foam-like glue inside the leg holes as well as in each of the holes of all the cross-members. I have NO idea what was even holding the leg on. The holes of the leg had been enlarged and was in no way held in place by the bolt (as the holes were now twice the size of the bolt). And did I mention. the bolt and coupling sleeve for the second hole were completely missing?

Not a problem. A few months ago, my sister's dad (hey Pops! *waves*) purchased from Wal*Mart, a platform bed and a dresser for me, both of which required assembly. As in the past with assembly required furniture, and with my latest bedroom suit, I had various extra bolts, washers, & nuts. From this, I found a bolt of the same length (as the other bolt in the leg) AND a nut that matched the bolt threads. I used this nut in place of the missing coupling sleeve, working it into the hole in the leg. I placed the other coupling sleeve back where it belonged inside the second hole in the leg. Put in the bolts, tightened them down. I tightened all the other legs as well.

Voila! What was three legs, now has four. And much sturdier, to say the least, than before.
I also reminded my sister, this piece was intended as a DECORATIVE footrest, and nothing more. Even though I am confident in my work, it is what it is, and was never intended for behinds to sit on.
Sister needed a footrest anyway, and I'd say, this is a handsome find and well worth the price tag!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Project 2: Flower Mobile

Yarn Flower Mobile

Any idea what this little wheel is for? I've seen them before and I think it's a type of loom? At any rate, this is what I used it as. I wound yarn around in a back & forth pattern, then I made two rounds in the middle with the yarn and tied it off in the back.


These are what I came up with. cute little flowerets, 8 of each color, though I didn't end up using all of them for the mobile.

You just gotta luv wire hangers for craft projects! (Try finding them LOL) So, I cut and formed one into a square, roughly 5 or 6 inches per side. Then I slip-stitched yarn around it.

Then I strung them on lightweight fishing line; alternating colors on each of 4 strands; added a crystal bead to the end of each. Then I attached 4 more lines, strung one more flower on each, tied it off at the top, slipped it onto a tiny little "S hook" and Voila! Magically floating flowers. I made it for my sister to add more purple to her room, she can't have too much purple.

I  have two more color schemes from other yarns I have. I think I'll make a couple more - one for my own room and maybe one for the living room. I'll post those as well... when I get them done.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Project 1: Ramen Noodle Box?

Repurposing Boxes

This is not an original idea, to say the least.
Quite frankly, waay back in 1993 & 1994, I had no money that I could use towards fluff furnishings. But a nice sized box, and a can of spray paint made nice bedside tables (so long as nothing too heavy was placed on them).

Nowadays, Duck Tape brand duct tape has a fantastic variety of colors & patterned tapes for infinite uses. Sometimes, you just come across a box of perfect shape or size that fits a use other going to the land fill.

For instance, tonight, a Maruchan ramen noodle box struck me as being a perfect start to getting our "crap room" in order.

The sides were held together via some type glue. I simply "broke down" the box. Applied gold Duck Tape to the ends.

My sister's favorite color is purple (and I like it as well) so I covered the sides with a bright purple Duck Tape.

Used standard hot glue to refasten the ends. And Voila! A nice box to house self-laminating sheets, see-thru paper protectors for 3-ring binders, and medium sized, padded shipping envelopes.


Yikes! Gee, before they were called "blogs", there weren't so many options. It was much like posting a status update from your phone to Facebook. Now, it would seem like I'm readying a term paper. 
All for the sake of sharing some of my goofy craft projects.

I guess you could say this is technically my first blog post. (Although, I've been on Facebook for what seems like an eternity. And I did once have a LiveJournal account waay back in 2004 & 2005.)

As I said above, the purpose for my blog is simply to share my craft projects. I love seeing some of the ideas others have had and some have inspired my own projects before now. Why not return the favor to someone else out there? 

I named my blog "Kitt's Craft Room", when in fact, my sister and I currently refer to it as our "crap room" lol! It's in a state of massive disarray. We hope to one day have it in  organized and useful. As of this moment, there is a folding buffet table stacked halfway up the wall with miscellaneous.... crap. Everything from beading/jewelry items to crochet yarn to quilting/sewing materials and such to office stuffs (that should be in the office - but could be equally useful in anyone's craft room). Not to mention copious amounts of papers and documents my sister needs to get busy on filing away.

I welcome positive feedback & constructive criticism. I understand not all of my ideas will be everyone's cup of tea; if you don't like something I've shared - please let me know why. However, negativity for the sake of being a jerk is pointless and counter-productive to me or anyone who may have an interest in a post and we can all do without it.

My thanks to all of you in advance for taking the time to check out my projects :)